Friday, June 15, 2007

14 kids in a Big Van ...A Day Outdoors

Joshua and his cousins jumping at the Ocoee Olympic headquarters.

The boy-loving chicken fights.

Collin was delighted with the Salamanders so much so he didn't even mind the peanut butter on his face left from lunch.

Deborah and all of the eight children overlooking Parksville Lake

We had a summer vacation at home this week. This just means no school work allowing the kids to see what it may feel like to wonder- "What do I do now?" Wednesday we finally talked Deborah into getting out to the mountains one last time before they moved back to Mo. We took the day with Kenny's sister and her 8 children to go to a nearby lake and not so nearby river all in one day. So, we loaded 14 children 13 and under in a 15 passenger van and left at 8:30 a.m. It was a beautiful day and I know the children had a great time though they may have suffered mild sunburns. There is so many beautiful sights in this area. I have the mind to keep uploading pictures of them in hopes of enticing the onlookers to come for a visit. You see, I had more than one motive for starting this blog! We do miss all of you.

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