Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Golf Awards and Prayer for a little one

Just a few shots of John and Paul with their medals for taking first place in their golf league. The boys had a good time going out on Monday Nights the past few months to compete. Their experience paid off and they played well. Kenny really enjoys taking them to these events.
Joshua has had fall break this week so our homeschool has also been a little half-hearted. Monday Joshua was invited by a kid at school to try out for a part in his Christian band. They ended up calling Hope to come over and it was decided to combine all of their talent into one new band. It sounds like a great opportunity. I spent yesterday reorganizing the girls and Kenny and my closets. Last night Kenny and I drove to Cleveland where we met Judah and Candice and their sweet two kids for a late dinner. Little 3 month old Bella is the best baby! Today I took the younger boys and rode with Julie to visit a friend and relative of hers that has boys ages 4,7, and 9. They all played great as we didn't hear any complaints from them the entire day. We shared a spice cake and ginger cookies with a pumpkin cream spread with our coffee. Another refreshing time.
I was connected through FB with a young couple going through a heartwrenching experience..please if you have time go to and pray for this family. I spent time reading and before long I was crying and praying. They are an amazing couple. all for now...the house has suffered these last few days..

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just one October weekend

Women hanging what if we don't sew anymore...there's tons to do..

We have had such a nice weekend with beautiful weather. We had a full day of school Friday and then spent the evening playing kickball followed by bonfire where we roasted hotdogs and made smores at a friend's place in the mountains. There were kids running everywhere and they all had a nice time (Lily loved petting their horses) Kenny wasn't able to go with us as he was working in Knoxville. Saturday morning I took Josh to a friend's house as they were going to head to Chatanooga for the day and on the way home I made a surprise stop at my neighbor and friend's home to have an early morning cup of coffee. I knew I would be greeted like one of the family and I was right as they served me a pumpkin waffle while in their jammas. Julie's mom and dad have an apartment in her basement and Peggy ("Nana") is a joy to hang out with. Peggy and I decided to take Elijah and John to the huge church garage sale down the road. Hope offered to come play with the younger kids so Paul could spend the day with the Ectors. We had great success at the sale since we arrived at the perfect time for the closing bargains.I noticed a bright colored pink comforter and curtain set for Julie's daughter's room and we bought it with plans to take it home and redecorate her room. My mom had worked so hard on preparations for this sale the last 6 weeks and the results were well worth the time.
Shortly after I arrived at my house I found Sarah with freshly painted nails and glittery eyes thanks to Hope. During the morning Lily had taken the guinea pig out of the cage and left it in the school room. I heard a distressed call from John and discovered a wet limp guinea pig on the stairs. Lacy, our german shepherd, had decided to play with it. I don't know how I could've forgotten what she did to our baby chicks but it never crossed my mind to be aware of this danger. Forty bucks down the drain and a sad little girl! Sarah seemed to recover fairly quickly though and we headed over to our neighbors to begin decorating. We spent the whole afternoon working on two little girls rooms followed by a remake of her living room. Nana made gourmet pizza and set a fall place setting for us on the front deck for all of us ladies (including Lily whom they treat so kind).Toward the evening Julie chuckled as she mentioned that we had one woman cooking, one cleaning, and one decorating.Having others in our lives really helps!! These are the times when I realize that as a society we have lost something precious that used to be an everyday norm. Women were not nearly as restless taking care of their homes and children as they are now.Good friends can really lighten our loads..sometimes they come only through being a friend yourself or just praying that God would bring the right friends into your life.

I have seen that boredom comes from a lack of fellowship, hobbies, outdoor time, serving others together as a family and yes..good books.(we can educate ourselves in any area of choice with decisive passion) It's not all about slaving away over laundry, cooking, and housework. It has helped having the kids have their responsibilities and even regular date nights with your love of your life. These are just some practical aspects that have almost disappeared from American homes.
I am so glad to have had our mothers, great books written on the subject and other great examples that have offered help. In homemaking we may not feel the immediate rewards or even at times we may feel totally unappreciated..But as our example of serving others imprints itself on our children's minds I have seen that as they grow older they realize the stability of steady good meals, a joyful face about the home, and a love between parents really was wonderful.(makes me appreciate all our parents gave as I write this) Now of course, these things are dear to my heart but I don't ever want to give an impression that this lifestyle is a must for everyone. Many cannot be at home with their kids and God works in the busiest of childhoods. His mercy is there in complete broken situations and He forms amazing adults that have come from a childhood full of suffering. I just want to encourage those to keep with it if they are stay-at-home moms. There have been difficult winters where I thought I would loose my mind at times but God has given wisdom when asked for on ideas on keeping life full of purpose and meaning.
Now back to our daily diary...Kenny is glad to be back and we stayed up late talking with the older two boys. This morning he has prepared a dish he enjoyed at a co-worker's home after just the two of us went to the grocery store to collect the ingredients. A cajun shrimp boil -we just finished this meal and all of our mouths are burning. In fact I just pointed out to Kenny that our youngest was licking the half wooden wall to relieve his Hot mouth..gross.(another one of those things you don't think to tell your kids...don't lick the walls, Joseph!)
Now three sons and a husband are off to the golf course while two little ones take a nap.Things are actually quiet around year....I'm taking it in.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fall Festival and Sarah's B-day

Sarah and the cupcakes she helped make

with aunt lisa

just a close-up of the painted cedar- I love how it turned out

the kids were a bit freaked out by the turtle

Hope with Abel singing her heart out

Sarah talking her head off to Grandma and Grandpa like always

Lily was loving this and gave a rare natural smile

We enjoyed the Pumpkin Town Festival in downtown Athens where Hope and Abel had two 1/2 hour slots to perform a few of the dozens of songs Hope has written. It is always a pleasure to hear her and Abel is really coming along on the drums after only six months. The kids also enjoyed the dancers and another band of the hillbilly sort. The big two seater wagon really made the day pleasant (thanks to mom and Bernie)
Sarah is at a great age for a birthday party and her squeals had us all smiling. The new guinea pig has been an added friend eventhough she bought it into her bed this morning..(yuck) We are so blessed to have family and friends so close by but we miss the big Houk and Martin families in Mo. and Phoenix..sad. Thanks to all the grandparents who faithfully send birthday money to all six of the kids. We hope this large family doesn't overwhelm you as far as keeping up with them all.
Today was a beautiful fall day and we took the time to take a blanket and lay it out in the grass under the vivid blue sky. Sarah and her friend Faith began a weaving
project for art class. (a gift from the Costners-thanks) John was sprawled out with a good book. Eventhough the house was getting a bit messy I looked around and told myself to remember all that had been remember that the atmosphere in our home is the most important aspect of our family life..Do I choose peace and joy or stress and chaos? So to any other moms of large families...just let it go somedays! There is always tomorrow's work! Smile and enjoy your family!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Life around here is always busy and full of love. How can it be any different when little ones are running around? The younger ones spend a good part of the day snuggling with the puppies on our front porch. John has Annalise and Elijah popping in and out on a regular basis. Lily has her new school room with Jungle Book playing every time she can sneak away. Paul is enjoying spending time with the Hall family with his good friend Will and he does quite a bit with his cousins. Today, he is at the fall fest with them downtown. Josh is spending the day with a friend and the friend's dad who are on their way up to a beautiful course in Crossville. Kenny is studying for a test he will take in Nashville next week. I am planning for Sarah's 5th birthday party tomorrow and will spend part of the day finishing the paint job I started on the exterior of our home. (took a break after the front was finished since it was so hot). Life is hectic yet I wouldn't want it any other way right now. I have been learning to be content with what gets done and begin again tomorrow trying to remember the important thing is that we are "letting our light shine before men so that they may see our good works and glorify their Father in heaven". This can only be done by walking in the Holy Spirit. Come, Lord Jesus...there is nothing else that matters!!
I so want others to be set free! I want our life to show there is a freedom and peace when you are in Christ. Something real others can see! It starts with our own relationship with God one on one and then our family and friends and then strangers.I love the chance to share this Faith...I look for open doors wherever I can since being a bulldozer isn't God's way. God opens the hearts...but I remember that faith comes by hearing..and others must hear the words of God to even be pricked enough to be moved!Others have to know that God loves them and is itimately involved in their lives. This awesome God cares about the smallest of his creatures. It just makes sense to follow HIm. Riches, fame, and glory are meaningless...we are all on our way to the grave.
I was watching people exit the grocery store the other day..most of whom were elderly. I mentioned to Kenny that the curse was about us every day. I mean, come on, we will all deteriorate. Can't the world see this? or do we institutionalize our old folks to the point where our society forgets? If we can't see that our spirit and soul needs redemption then could we possibly see our bodies do? Can we not fear God? He has obviously caused our days to be numbered. If the Father has made a way for our spirit, soul, and body to be made new then why won't we accept this awesome gift!? Everyone's life has it's hardships. Why not live in peace during these times? God's ways bring joy not boredom. Joy in the middle of hell. I am excited about serving HIm for the rest of my days..It is exciting to see HIm at work in all that is around and especially exciting to see HIm bring light and salvation into someone's life! Way more exciting than possessing any material good or even a personal achievement which obviously have proven generation after generation to bring no lasting satisfaction.
These are the words to a song that Hope and Josh wrote together:

I have given up fool's gold
My possessions I have sold
For a tresure not short-lived
I will follow for You give..
Lasting JOy..Lasting JOy

YOu are the lasting jOY..lasting joy

I have taken up my cross
and I'll count it all as lost
and thou at times I can't go on
I'll keep the faith and carry on
Lasting joy..lasting JOy


Sunday, October 3, 2010


Changes have taken place that I never saw coming. Things are finally settling down enough for me to take some time to record in our online diary the exciting yet exhausting events.
The first was Kenny's desire to start a new career. He is now in the process of setting up a fire protection business and will be certified to maintain fire systems in restaurants, school, hospitals, and any business that is required by the govt. to have inspections.We have set up an office and built a supply room for this purpose. He believes this will be a great business to grow old with.
The next event was a shocker! We sent Joshua to public school for his senior year.The purpose being to see if there was a possible golf or academic scholarship to be had.So far so good. He will be going to the state level competition near Nashville this Tuesday and Wednesday. He is also doing well as far as grades and just heard he is top of his class in Calculus. I think he is seriously considering some type of major in Math. Engineering is a possibility. Another purpose was to allow him some type of transition year. Being homeschooled he has not had to deal with constant cultural differences being- aggressive girls, filthy talk, drugs, and so on. Of course every human being has to deal with their sin nature that we are automatically born with but it has been nice keeping our family in a "raised in a family not an institutional environment" and I believe in homeschooling more than ever but what is the point of training them at home if they as an adult cannot deal with all the glitter and lies of the world. Our goal has always been that our kids would be salt and that we would be a light and city on a hill. How boring to hide away trying to run from the world when we have the power in Christ to shake up and encourage the hopeless. With all that said..there is a time in everyone's life when a believer should be equipped enough to be in the offensive. I pray and hope Joshua is in this place but even if he proves not to be, I pray he will come to see his deeper need for God. Whatever the course, Kenny and I both felt seperately and simultaneously that this was the path for him.
Our other kids have activities also. Paul is taking physical Science, American History, and Algebra 1 in a co-0p setting. Paul and John are also playing golf and have both taken first place in their league. Kenny enjoys getting out with them several times a week. He knows he is blessed to have his sons love the sport he loves but has made it clear that he will support them in whatever interest they seek.
Lily is doing well and has had only one seizure in the last few months. The two little ones are happy and thriving. Sarah has a few girls come over for art and she and jOhn are part of a nature study class. The books we read are a joy in our lives and school is a source of pleasure not pain. I think Josh has realized this now more than ever and he has expressed thankfulness for all the "good books".
We visited a new church in Cleveland today as we have been unsure about where to go regularly.. but it has been an adventure and the kids say they are glad to have been around many different believers. Even I enjoy keeping up with several different groups of people here and there. After all, the body of Christ is worldwide. I do think it's important to have those who are really like family though and for this reason it is good to keep up fellowship. We really liked today...very casual and modern worship but all that matters is we are where we are supposed to be..we shall see.