Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rainy Day thoughts

"Reading a book is like watching a movie for 3 hours or more and no one cares",said Paul today after finishing his first two literature books in one and a half weeks. I said "yep, I don't care how much you read cause it's a lot better for your brain and reading is more exciting because you have much more understanding of how people think and feel." The truth is I have forced my two older boys to stop reading when I realized they were frying their brains. I knew they needed outdoor time or some other activity. So far I have read Nory Ryan to everyone and Farmer Boy to John. Paul has read George Mueller, the Good Master, and now he is reading Kidnapped. Joshua just finished The Pearl and is starting another. We just started school. They are crazy. John is happy to read as long as it's not too difficult so I challenge him only slightly. The evenings are usually spent playing tennis or golf or visiting with friends and family. I don't even know when they have time to read except I often find the light on late or a book in their hand when they are supposed to be working on a core subject like Science or whatever. Paul's comment really blessed me especially when I realized that he has been molded by the experiences and testimonies of so many others. It's especially important when they read true stories that portray the hurt and pain of bad choices. If they could only believe the truth about sin. If I could only believe the truth. Grace sets us free to see clear. It certainly is a daily realization. I just pray all this reading and education leads them to the love and grace of our Lord and not an arrogant, puffed up, prideful attitude.
I finally attended my mom's women prayer group at her/our church. All the ladies were 60 and up and I was so honored. Honestly. They are all amazing, still faithful and each has their life story. I am a genuine nut about being interested in people's stories. I could look at any picture album and be glued for the next half hour wondering about it all. Is anyone out there like that? My mom had a documentary scheduled but she knew nothing of what it was about. Well ironically it was about a couple whose 4 year old little girl was accidentally ran over by an older man who was a friend of the family. We all cried because of the forgiveness and love of this true story. My Aunt, who attended this meeting, is here from Michigan and I just have been thoroughly enjoying her and especially thrilled to know she is now a changed by grace Christian. She is a pleasure to be around. In fact all of my mom's sisters and their husbands have come to know the Lord and WOW!! I can hardly keep myself from tearing up now from the excitement I feel that we will all inherit this earth together someday. God has truly been working. It is so good to see victory when casualties are falling all around into darkness and despair. We never give up!!!
Don't assume our families are safe from attack. We can rest in him at the same time we put on our armour and intercede for those we love. Our marriages are the first thing Satan wants to destroy. The kids crumble. I hate the lies of the enemy! Everyone blames someone else. Let's walk in His light and pray for others instead of blaming. I guess I feel a little passion tonight. I am totally preaching to myself again. He says "I am the Vine, you are the branches. Abide in me. Bear fruit. The branches that don't bear fruit will be cut off. Apart from me you can do nothing" I know it's not a direct quote but almost. Help us God to be doers of your Words.


Taylor said...

Great post! :) I love the new background ;)

Unknown said...

I really get into other people's stories, too. Not as much as you, I think. I've always loved that about you! Thanks for sharing.

The new template is beautiful! Very you.
