Thursday, December 13, 2007

Subjects of Passion

Wow! So many amazing things happening in our nation. What a war there is between creationists and evolutionists, pro-life vs murder of the unborn, involved parents vs. apathy, and many other important issues like taxes, foreign policy etc. We had a great time discussing what we have learned recently about the ideals of some of the candidates. Huckabee looks pretty good. Check him out. I used to believe that these were issues for the world to deal with and that the "spiritual" ones had more important issues at hand. Have I changed! The reasons vary but I believe that these battles are really spiritual battles taking place in the hearts of our people all around us. My step-dad suggested we all take the initiative to research certain issues and then get together to inform one another. We all liked the challenge.I may not be able to do much but pray and spread a little passion (especially to my children)in this stage of my life but that is okay because it is good for all of us to be informed. It will be interesting to see what happens in our country over the next few years. Whatever the case, trusting in God is not an option, it's the only way. There are so many subjects that I want to explore. My favorites have been early child training, homeschooling, and marriage. God's ways are such a blessing. The best I can do on this little blog is recommend all the wonderful people who have studied the Bible on these subjects resulting in some very helpful books. My favorites are listed below
Child Training
To Train Up a Child- Michael Pearl
Sheperding a Child's Heart-Tedd Tripp
Created to be His Helpmeet-Debbi Pearl
Marriage Covenant-Derek Prince
Charlotte Mason's Companion-Karen Andreola
Homeschooling the Wholehearted Child
Joshua Harris' books (Kissed dating Goodbye, Boy Meets Girl, and Not even a Hint)
The Purity Principle-Randy Alcorn
Passion and Purity-Elisabeth Elliot

I guess it would be appropiate to continue on with another subject of passion for me and that would be....our baby who just turned one. Go to Lisa's blog for pictures at Shadybrook Acres. I am really missing our camera to use for the everyday meaningful images of the kids like Joe taking his first steps and Sarah's over-active antics. We are enjoying this cozy season of more family time. The weather has been great this week and John has been excited about learning to ride a two wheeler. Lily is getting more active with others as I pull her away from her constant obsession with drawing. I felt like she has needed a little more balance. Many more tales of our busy life could be told but I seem to slack when there isn't a picture to take the place as forerunner.

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