Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Great Summer Fun in a Long Stretch of Heat

Paul swinging high. Joshua is below.

Julie's family is out in the canoe while Lily just roams
John was a little scared but he did it.

Joshua's stunts sometimes cause me stress
(he thinks he broke his tailbone)
Even though the lake was put on hold by the state environmentalists (wet lands need a special permit) , the 3 families surrounding us have been daily entertained. The boys swing from the rope, John jumps in the deep end, I take Sarah on canoe rides, and as of last night there are two kayaks being paddled around. Lily just roams all over the place with her floaties on. There are big piles of dirt everywhere but the lake is spring fed and stays amazingly clear. It has been refreshing in this record breaking heat wave. The drought is supposed to be the worst recorded in over 100 years.
Our family started school this week and things are going smooth. My favorite part is reading together as a family. Our History, Science, Bible, and occasionally Literature are usually studied together.The Apologia Zoology, Astronomy, Botany, and General Science books have inspired a love of study that I thought was dormant in me. I have always loved History but now I am just as interested in these other subjects. What a difference when books are well written by those who have a passion for the subject instead of the regurgitated dry text book styles. It can change any one's attitude about education. Could it be that God actually blesses us with the wonders of His World and the wonder of His Hand through time? Could it be considered nourishment to the mind, spirit, and soul? YES!!! It doesn't matter how old we are. If we practice reading or listening to great minds and repeat it to someone-it actually stays with us. Narration is the key. Anyway, I would love to share more about our daily routine later.


Unknown said...

Isn't this heat wonderful? Not. If it weren't for the little pool my mom got us, we'd be miserable. Your lake sure looks more impressive from these pictures. You can't really get a feel for how big it is in the others. It looks so fun. I hope you're able to get the permit and finish it out.

Mrs. Darling said...

Looks like great fun! Our temps remain in the 70's. It's like summer just passed us by! LOl