Been so long that there is no way I could stick to a subject or even find a suitable title. I always feel revived in the Spring and it is definitely beautiful but my family is still going through the reality of my brother's death and that is painful to watch and feel. Please continue to pray for Stacie and the family.
Well, we have had a busy spring with John playing soccer and Paul playing on a travel baseball team again. They did well. We took a weekend to go camping with Kenny's sister and husband and their 3 kids in Land Between the Lakes, Kentucky. It was great to see them and we even survived a 6 hour severe lightning and rain storm the first night. I realized I liked camping more than I thought I would. The hard work in preparing pays off when everyone is relaxing around the campfire and eating Smores. The kids will always remember.
Joshua is working and schooling off and on. He is hanging out on Friday nights with some great kids. They started their own Bible study and He is liking it. Music is very important to him and he just purchased another guitar. He is taking part in the music his cousin Hope writes and they sound beautiful together. He is also running and lifting weights a few times a week with some encouraging young married men .
Kenny is working and playing ball with the boys. When I say ball I mean all kinds of ball- basketball, golf, football and oh yeah, does frisbee count as ball.? He keeps the boys busy several nights a week. This gives me time to do what I love and that is to work out in the yard or garden. I am stranger than most when I realize that I actually enjoy having a shovel or wheelbarrow in my hands. I love this kind of exercise. This week the garden is really looking spiffy. (can gardens be spiffy?) The younger kids run around outside till almost dark and then we go in for baths. We sleep well.
We are attending a new church where the whole family really listens and enjoys the speaker. We don't really care where we go as long as we are in God's will.
This week we have an 18 year old friend of the family coming to stay with us for a few weeks from Mo. We will enjoy showing him the beautiful sights and I'm sure he'll love joining the guys in their activities.
So much is going on with our friends and family. So many people hurting. Hope we are salt and light to these loved ones. ONLY IN HIM